Monday 6 October 2014

The Life of Riley

The 'life of Riley' should mean a happy life without problems or worries. It is not a euphemism for the life of Riley the cat. And so, to say that the most recent development in the tale of Riley has left me somewhat bemused is something of an understatement.

I received a 'phone call over the weekend from André, the individual who first brought the plight of Riley to my attention. Recent communications from him had indicated that Riley was cared for by the locals, contrary to what he told me at our meetings when I was on holiday in the village. Imagine therefore the confusion caused when he told me that, having canvassed opinion from other locals including the lass who works in the pub and who feeds Riley occasionally, they felt that it would be better for Riley if I re-homed him. I am meeting with André and others on the 14th October when a decision will be made.

I have explained that I do have certain reservations, not the least of which is that I would be 'stealing' Riley. How exactly would we achieve the 'lift' with locals unavoidably looking on? I further stated that if this is going to happen then I will return by car with Ros and a cat carrier. The journey takes at least 1½ hours, stressful to say the least, and Ros would sit in the back of the car, with Riley next to her, and talk quietly to him during the journey.

When I related my conversation with André to my wife she said: "Don't let your heart rule your head". I told her that when it comes to the welfare of a cat my heart will always rule my head. So be it. Another chapter in the life of Riley and one that I hope leads to a successful conclusion for Riley.

I would love to give him a permanent home. I just hope my two other cats will be so obliging...


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