Saturday 9 August 2014

Gadhimai - Nepal's Bloody Shame

The world's biggest slaughter festival is due to happen this year in Nepal. The Gadhimai festival (so sickening to even call this massacre a festival) happens once every five years and the most recent occurrence involved the inhumane slaughter of more than a quarter of a million animals.

I am not going to post any of the images I have seen as for most they will be far too distressing. None of these animals would have been stunned before slaughter and many would have faced slow, painful deaths. Animals witnessed others being slaughtered around them whilst waiting for their turn. The levels of suffering and distress are almost unimaginable.

I am a supporter of COMPASSION IN WORLD FARMING who are campaigning to bring an end to the funding Gadhimai receives from the Nepalese Government and end this massacre once and for all.

Nepal's bloody shame....

1 comment:

  1. Purtroppo mi sembra che è troppo tardi , comunque io ho cercato disperatamente di mandare la mail di protesta ma non sono riuscita. Solo vorrei dire che non è possibile che queste massacri crudeli e senza pietà col unico scopo di provocare dolore e sofferenza . Ci deve essere un modo per fermare questo scempio non posso credere che esistano ancora individui così ignoranti , insensibili, sadici, che godono assassinando povere creature innocenti .
