Thursday 14 November 2013

Survey of Grantham Shoppers Shows Opinion on Badger Cull

A Grantham man concerned about the plight of badgers carried out a survey to gauge opinion after being told by Grantham MP Nick Boles that the majority of his constituents support the cull.

Philip Gadd took to the town centre last Saturday, joined by four other members of Grantham Wildlife Protection, to ask shoppers: "Do you support the badger cull?" Of 238 responses, 74% said 'No', 10.5% said 'Yes' and 15.5% were undecided.

The move followed Mr Gadd's receipt last year of a letter from Mr Boles, stating: "Most of my constituents support the Government's proposal for a careful, scientifically evidenced cull of badgers in TB hotspots. I cannot represent them and represent you. So I chose to do the democratic thing and represent the majority".

Mr Gadd said that this was reiterated during a recent meeting with the MP. He added: "Although only a snapshot survey it does appear that our MP is wrong and the majority of his constituents are in fact against the culling of badgers. We would like Mr Boles to reconsider his views and represents the views of Grantham people".

Mr Gadd puts this very politely. What he wants to say Mr Boles is that you are a lying Tory toad who runs in fear of the party whips. You have no idea how your constituents really feel about this vital issue and your constituents will remember this when it comes to the next general election. You are a typical example of current Conservative MPs who don't give a fig about our environment and our wildlife and who suck up to the NFU and large landowners to solicit their votes.

Watch your back Mr Boles.