Saturday 24 August 2013

Juvenile Birds - Helping Our Wildlife

My constant vigilance in keeping the bird feeders replenished is paying dividends. For some time now we have enjoyed seeing juvenile Goldfinches and Greenfinches visiting the feeders, particularly those containing sunflower seeds. Today, for the first time, I spotted a juvenile Great Tit, rather grey overall with a shadow of the black streak on the breast developing, and a juvenile Robin, its breast developing a pale pink colour before it will have its full red breast.

So, what is the significance of this? Well, for me it is a clear indication of the need for householders to provide food for our native birds in our gardens, not forgetting the need for water as well. I have two bird baths that are constantly replenished and in continuous use. (Mind you, the rain today has done the job for me).

Today I have recorded Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Starling, Collared Dove and Woodpigeon on the feeders and in the bird baths. They are a joy to watch, are terrible time-wasters and provide me with a certain sense of achievement.

You too can help to reduce the decline of our resident birds. Place a few seed feeders in your garden and add a bird bath. The rewards are very satisfying and you can be assured that you are aiding the survival of birds that might otherwise not make it through the winter.

A world without birds is unthinkable. They need our help...

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