Tuesday 23 June 2015

You Are Dead

You Are Dead (Ds Roy Grace 11)You Are Dead by Peter James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Peter James does it again, just gets better and better. The chase for the unsub (sorry, I watch too much 'Criminal Minds') is as relentless as ever. The 'will they get there in time, won't they' chase is afoot. Is this getting just a little bit formulaic? Perhaps. I don't care. Detective Superintendent Roy Grace is in usual 24/7 mode aided by sidekick Detective Inspector Glenn Branson - and the race is on! Around the streets and locations of my city, Brighton and Hove. Hang on a minute, characters living in Elm Grove? That's only a few streets away from me! It's the locality that gets me completely hooked - it's like travelling through the pages with my neural sat-nav switched on! Well, Peter James does it for me. And that ongoing event from Roy's past? Well, it's still an ongoing event from Roy's past. And that unsub? Probably the most diabolical that James has yet created. Is a serial killer at loose in Brighton? Do events get confusing? Are there plenty of red herrings? Are Cleo and Noah in danger? Did something happen in Hove Lagoon many years ago? Is English's Fish Restaurant mentioned? (Love that place!).
Buy it, settle down with a glass, or better still a bottle, of your favourite tipple and a bag of twiglets and embark on another helter-skelter ride with Roy Grace - and find out!

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