Saturday 26 July 2014

The wait is over

Relief. Immeasurable relief. Doesn't one always think the worst? The wait for Oliver's blood results was a long 30 hours. I tried to keep myself occupied but he was constantly in my thoughts and as the hours passed the dread increased.

So, when the call finally came from our veterinarian, the relief felt was palpable. All parameters in the geriatric feline blood profile were normal and this was a comprehensive screen including CBC, which counts not only the total number of white blood cells but also each individual type of white blood cell in the blood sample, the RBCs and Platelets. Abnormalities in any of these can cause malfunction of various organs and disease. The blood chemistry profile and thyroid hormones were all normal. Nothing remotely sinister to report.

What then might be causing the diarrhoea? Possible imbalance of gut flora? We now have Oliver on probiotics to try and sort this out. Mind you, as we have two cats (our other cat is Bertie) we have to put the probiotics on both bowls of food to ensure that Oliver gets his! (There is no harm in giving Bertie probiotics...)


Just hope we can get his diarrhoea sorted out now as it must be debilitating for him. 


  1. Glad to hear it's nothing dire! Well, diarrhea is dire, but not as dire as a lot of things.

    1. Thanks Laurie - you're right and I am very relieved.
